Friday 11 October 2013

Semantic Web for Life Sciences: vision, aims, tools, platforms (upcoming tutorial)

We are presenting a tutorial at Nettab 2013:

From the abstract:
This tutorial is an introduction to Semantic Web technologies for Bioinformaticians, Researchers and other professionals working on biomedical and life sciences data. It is composed of two parts: an introduction to technologies and tools, and an overview of how these technologies fit in the current bioinformatics landscape. 
The first part will briefly introduce key concepts and technologies (RDF, OWL, Rules, SKOS, SPARQL, Linked-Data, Triplestores) and then present tools and techniques to address two prototypical use cases: publishing information on the Semantic Web, and consuming information that can be found in RDF. 
The second part of the tutorial will present an overview of the state of adoption of semantic web technologies in bioinformatics (which databases publish information in RDF and different representation patterns). It will also present features and limitations that characterize these technologies, to provide an understanding of which data and applications they can practically benefit.

Monday 1 October 2012


We have co-mentored a Google Summer of Code project to realize SemScape, a project that takes many inspirations from RDFScape to provide a new fresh tool to handle data from the Semantic Web in Cytoscape.

Friday 25 April 2008

RDFScape: Semantic Web meets Systems Biology

We have developed RDFScape, a tool to visualize and analyze RDF networks in Cytoscape. The project is open source and available at A publication describing the scope of the project can be found at

Thursday 8 March 2007

The Genopolis Microarray Databse

We have contributed to the development of the Genopolis Microarray Database, a LAMP-based system to manage microarray data with some LIMS aspects and simple interactive analytics.
The code of the project is available at A publication describing it can be found at